Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Yellow Eye Candy

I just can't help but blog about this. Sorry it would sound real petty but once in a while there are things (literally material things) that gives you that warm fuzzy feeling of happy-ness. 

I very rarely happens to me but when it does... it really does!

This is one of them. My yellow eye candy.  I am inlove with it and what's even better is that my loves (Hubby and Baby) gave it to me for Mother's Day. ❤

Isn't she lovely??? 😍

14 Months of Maternity Leave

Yes, you read it right. I have been on "maternity leave" for a total of 14 months. I left work March 15, 2012 (when I was 9 months pregnant) and tomorrow, May 16, 2013 is my back-to-reality day.

Goodbye freedom.

My son is now 13 months today. Me and my husband couldn't deny the fact that he is ready for daycare. Two weeks after his first birthday, we started to register him for part-time care; just in the afternoon. "So Baby can adjust slowly" is what we said; although 'so Mommy and Daddy have more time to adjust being away from baby is more accurate.'

Baby had no problems with daycare. The sitter said she had no problems with him at all. He NEVER cries. He just plays, eats whatever is given to him, takes a nap when he wants to.

We decided to let him start on whole day care two weeks before I go back to work. Again, so I can adjust better with being away from Baby.

We can't deny the developments that we see from Baby since he went to daycare. He eats more solid foods now, is even MORE playful and interactive, drinks from a cup or straw, naps when you tell him it  is nap time, and he never demanded to be rocked to sleep anymore too. He has no problems trying to sleep at night since he is probably tired by the whole day of playing. They even meet with other daycare kids at the park/playground. It also helps that he is playing with older toddlers than him. They are 3 to 5 year olds and my son is the only "baby" there.

I drop him off at the daycare around 7:30AM and as soon as he sees his sitters, he will let go of me and go to them - which is a good thing. Only shows that he trusts and feel safe around them. 

I then go back home and keep myself busy with running errands and house chores while playing LOUD music; since that is the only time I can listen to my music amped up. 

I pick Baby up at 5:00 PM and as soon as he sees me, stops whatever he is doing, turbo-speed-crawls to me while shouting "Mamamamaaaaa!!!" I carry him and he starts waving bye bye to his sitters and the other kids there. SO DARN CUTE! It melts my heart! ❤ 😊

We go home, I leave him on his play area and I usually sit and (finally) relax on the couch to watch TV (Friends or Family Feud usually), after a few minutes, Baby will always climb up the couch and give me a lot of hugs then cuddles beside me. He just sits there, beside me regardless of what I would be watching. Awww. Those are the moments when all other emotions just melt away and turn to a feeling of overwhelming love. ❤❤❤

So tomorrow, nothing should change with Baby's setup except that I may be tired from work and even more tired with a 40-minute drive home.

Although I am pretty sure all fatigue will be melted away by Baby's smile at the end of the day. 

Those magical two letters "ma" said by the sweetest little voice of a smiling little boy is the best energy boost this Mommy would ever need.


©2009 Am No Writer | by TNB