Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Don't Ask Your Married Friends

I know I am talking in behalf of a lot, if not all, of the married couples out there. This is something we married couples may not tell you bluntly, but we don't like getting asked:

"When are you getting pregnant?"

"Are you pregnant yet?"

"Why are you not pregnant yet?"

There are several reasons why you shouldn’t ask this… here are a few:

1. Even if a couple is trying to get pregnant, they really wouldn’t know WHEN they will get pregnant. It’s just too complicated to answer “Oh, we try to get pregnant everyday, even ten times a day, but so far we are not. So I don’t really know how to answer your question.” You might as well interrogate on what they are doing wrong in their intercourse if you want to continue this conversation and know why they are not yet pregnant.

2. Some couples may have been trying to get pregnant for quite a while and for some scientific or mysterious reason, COULDN’T get pregnant… yet. If you keep on asking them WHEN are they getting pregnant, you unconsciously are just prying on their difficulty and putting your friends in a very awkward and depressing situation.

3. There are couples who are just not into kids yet. So if they answer your question “We don’t want kids yet.” You then ask why, blah blah blah, and the conversation tends to look like the couple needs to justify their decision, when in fact, it is perfectly normal and is not at all your business.

©2009 Am No Writer | by TNB